How am I? In a word...exhausted. I have honestly never been this tired in my life. There are not enough hours in the night for precious sleep. This morning when I picked up Owen and went on (and on) about how tired I was, he made some joke about getting a year off. I think he's forgetting about the bundle of tears and poop that will be spending it's first year with us. Anyone I've known who's had a baby says, "you're tired now? Honey, you ain't seen nothing yet". So yeah....tired, very tired. I'm taking Monday & Tuesday off to celebrate the magic that is my bed. We're talking naps and sleeping in - I can hardly wait.
Other than that, not much new on the pregnancy front. Still waiting for my family doctor to hook me up with an OBGYN and then the real fun begins - poking and prodding and confirming that the little lentil inside of me will one day grow up to be a right winger for the Leafs or...the first female right winger?
Yesterday was a day of bad news - someone I worked with was let go, a coworkers spouse passed away and other mommies-to-be had been given some potentially bad news. If you believe in this stuff, and I certainly do - put some good thoughts out in the universe today. We're all so lucky for what we have and who we love and people everyday deal with shit that would flatten me.
How I'm Feeling: Tired - duh
Friday, July 28, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
6 Weeks Plus 4 Days
I kept forgetting to post on 6 Week Friday and my weekend was quite busy so here is the belated 6 Week post. Everything is going well so far. I am actually feeling better today than I have in about a week or so. I finally got the whole sleeping thing under control - going to bed earliar and sleeping pretty soundly until around 3am where it is pee time at my house.
According to the books who are not my friend, it is the increased blood in my body that increases dramatically now that I'm pregnant (not knocked up - no one finds the humor in me saying I'm knocked up. I find it an endearing term myself) which leads to a lot of extra fluid getting processed by my kidneys and ending up in my bladder. As my uterus grows that will also play a part in my frequent bathroom visits. Plus when I'm at work, I'm drinking a lot of water which is good for the skin, the pooping and much better for me than Diet Coke but I pay the price for the eau all day long.
On the weekend Owen and I told our extended family the good news. I highly recommend telling the people you love something they want to hear because the reactions were freaking awesome. Everyone was so happy. Owen wanted to wait until we were further ahead (the mandatory 3 months) but I figured that everyone we told this weekend would be told if there was any bad news so why not let them in on the good news? There was a lot of squeeling (Michelle in Buchans) and a lot of squeezing (my ma's whole fam damiliy!). Good news is awesome.
This is also the week that I've decided to tell people about this blog. Full disclosure I guess. I want the people I love and who love me to join me on this journey to the Epidural Empire. No time like the present.
How I'm Feeling: Today is a good day, a very good day
According to the books who are not my friend, it is the increased blood in my body that increases dramatically now that I'm pregnant (not knocked up - no one finds the humor in me saying I'm knocked up. I find it an endearing term myself) which leads to a lot of extra fluid getting processed by my kidneys and ending up in my bladder. As my uterus grows that will also play a part in my frequent bathroom visits. Plus when I'm at work, I'm drinking a lot of water which is good for the skin, the pooping and much better for me than Diet Coke but I pay the price for the eau all day long.
On the weekend Owen and I told our extended family the good news. I highly recommend telling the people you love something they want to hear because the reactions were freaking awesome. Everyone was so happy. Owen wanted to wait until we were further ahead (the mandatory 3 months) but I figured that everyone we told this weekend would be told if there was any bad news so why not let them in on the good news? There was a lot of squeeling (Michelle in Buchans) and a lot of squeezing (my ma's whole fam damiliy!). Good news is awesome.
This is also the week that I've decided to tell people about this blog. Full disclosure I guess. I want the people I love and who love me to join me on this journey to the Epidural Empire. No time like the present.
How I'm Feeling: Today is a good day, a very good day
Monday, July 17, 2006
Baby Books Are Not Your Friend
On Friday (AKA 5 weeks) I bought one pregnancy book and was lent another. The book I bought divides your pregnancy into weeks so you can read about how your body is changing and the baby is growing on a weekly basis. The book I was lent is called "The Mother of All Pregnancy Books".
These books have freaked me out. Do you have any idea how many things can go wrong in a pregnancy? Especially early in a pregnancy? Ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage...the stuff they can find out from your blood alone is especially alarming.
I am by nature, a worry wart - I expect the worst and don't really hope for the best but I am trying to thing really positive about the life growing inside of me (cue Enya). Both of my grandmothers had 7+ children and I guarantee you they didn't read books or take prenatal vitamins. They didn't hold their breath everytime they went to the bathroom for fear of blood and basically just chilled and (hopefully) enjoyed their pregnancy.
Owen recommended that I talk to other people my age who have had children. See how they felt during the early stages and what got them through.
I've wanted to have a baby for as long as I remember and I have to keep reminding myself to enjoy every single day of my pregnancy. This is what I've been working towards my whole life and I don't want to ruin it by worrying away all of my joy.
How I'm Feeling - Not too bad. My hair looks cute and my new-found adult acne has cleared up - thanks Lulu!
These books have freaked me out. Do you have any idea how many things can go wrong in a pregnancy? Especially early in a pregnancy? Ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage...the stuff they can find out from your blood alone is especially alarming.
I am by nature, a worry wart - I expect the worst and don't really hope for the best but I am trying to thing really positive about the life growing inside of me (cue Enya). Both of my grandmothers had 7+ children and I guarantee you they didn't read books or take prenatal vitamins. They didn't hold their breath everytime they went to the bathroom for fear of blood and basically just chilled and (hopefully) enjoyed their pregnancy.
Owen recommended that I talk to other people my age who have had children. See how they felt during the early stages and what got them through.
I've wanted to have a baby for as long as I remember and I have to keep reminding myself to enjoy every single day of my pregnancy. This is what I've been working towards my whole life and I don't want to ruin it by worrying away all of my joy.
How I'm Feeling - Not too bad. My hair looks cute and my new-found adult acne has cleared up - thanks Lulu!
Friday, July 14, 2006
5 Weeks
According to my doctor, I am as of today 5 weeks pregnant. My due date is March 15, 2007. I guess I should be saying "we are 5 weeks" and "our due date is" but as of right now this pregnancy feels like something that is happening soley to me. I'm too early for my husband to feel the baby and so far I'm not having any symptoms that would affect him directly - no vomiting etc. plus with him working nights he hasn't been affected by my 5am trips to the bathroom.
The only word to describe this whole thing is surreal. It's like when you've wanted something for so long and finally get it, you don't know what to do with it. Plus, I don't feel pregnant - or whatever that means. I felt a little crampy this morning and super hungry by the time I got to work but I don't have any of the feelings I thought I'd have. No tingling, no glow except that my newly developed adult acne has disappeared. Yay hormones!
I'm going to Indigo today at lunch with Lee Ann (due 3 weeks before me) to buy some pregnancy books to ensure that I spend the next 35 weeks in a state of paranoia. I know I should be enjoying this time, enjoying the fact that I have a secret but I really can't wait until I'm further along and can tell people and get an ultrasound to see little Lulu (there is no way that Owen would agree to name our child - if it was a girl - Lulu but I think that's what I'll call my little raisin (that's how big the baby is at 5 weeks. I find it ironic that I'm calling it a baby already. For someone as pro-choice as I am I feel like I should refer to it as a fetus but as soon as the two lines/plus sign became visible I started thinking of a baby growing inside of me).
How I'm Feeling - TGIF
The only word to describe this whole thing is surreal. It's like when you've wanted something for so long and finally get it, you don't know what to do with it. Plus, I don't feel pregnant - or whatever that means. I felt a little crampy this morning and super hungry by the time I got to work but I don't have any of the feelings I thought I'd have. No tingling, no glow except that my newly developed adult acne has disappeared. Yay hormones!
I'm going to Indigo today at lunch with Lee Ann (due 3 weeks before me) to buy some pregnancy books to ensure that I spend the next 35 weeks in a state of paranoia. I know I should be enjoying this time, enjoying the fact that I have a secret but I really can't wait until I'm further along and can tell people and get an ultrasound to see little Lulu (there is no way that Owen would agree to name our child - if it was a girl - Lulu but I think that's what I'll call my little raisin (that's how big the baby is at 5 weeks. I find it ironic that I'm calling it a baby already. For someone as pro-choice as I am I feel like I should refer to it as a fetus but as soon as the two lines/plus sign became visible I started thinking of a baby growing inside of me).
How I'm Feeling - TGIF
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Passing the Tests

By the Numbers
Last period - June 9, 2006 - Andrea's Irish Bridal Shower
Today's Date - July 13, 2006 - Cheech Marin's Birthday
Number of Pregnancy Tests Taken - 2 - Clearblue Easy & Early Something or Other
Number of Positive Pregnancy Test Taken - 2 - one plus sign and two red lines
Doctor's appointment to confirm the tests belief that I am indeed knocked-up - July 13, 2006 @ 4pm
How I'm feeling - Not pregnant or what I think being pregnant should feel like.
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