Michelle Moore requested a picture so here I am at 4 months. I took the picture this morning before work on my cell phone. I’m kind of twisted trying to take the picture and show the belly side-on. I think you can see the bottom of my bra in this shot – boom chicka boom!
Baby Connell is the size of an avocado, Mama Connell has a rash on her belly, Papa Connell doesn’t want you to know that he watches Project Runway so keep it under your hats, the artist formerly known as andrea_collins is now andrea_grogan, and Eric is on his way to Newfoundland to charm the pants off everyone in Buchans!
The pregnancy week-by-week book I’ve been reading has “Dad Tips” included in each chapter and they are all as brutal as you think they are. Here is a sample:
- When you’re away from your partner call to check in. Well duh. Owen works nights 3 days a week and I work 9ish – 5 everyday so the majority of our communication is done over the phone. Next!
- Vacuum without being asked. Ha! Owen wouldn’t notice if the dust bunnies crawled into bed with him let alone vacuum without me throwing a tantrum. Onward!
- Rub your partners feet. They may be on to something with this one but after 8+ hours in trouser socks and shoes I don’t want to get near my own feet let alone subject Owen to them!
- When you’re away from your partner without access to a phone, have someone call and check up on her. Right. Any volunteers?
- Give your partner hugs & kisses for no reason. Oh for the love of Pete, if you need a reason to give your partner hugs & kisses, perhaps parenthood isn’t the path you should be on.
I have a obstetrician appointment this coming Monday and I’m hoping that Dr. H. will give me nothing but good news; that I’m fine, the baby’s fine and that the lower back pain I’m experiencing is only because of the way I sit at work – one leg tucked under the other one and completely slouched down in my chair.
What I'm Listening To: I Don't Feel Like Dancing by The Scissor Sisters - I dare anyone to listen to this song without shakin' their groove thing.