Friday, December 29, 2006
29 Weeks
I wish I had more to say this week but I've been at work and it's been pretty slow. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday so there will be a lot more to report.
Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Ode to Baby Gap
Why do you have so many cute things for me to buy?
30% off and just for today?
Now there’s no way I could just walk away!
Here’s all my cash courtesy of Ma Con,
In ten measly minutes, my money’s all gone.
Seriously, how cute is this?

1. Yes, it's green and blue but I think it's cute for a girl.
2. Yes, that's my work chair and desk but it's the holidays and they expect you to take pictures of clothing you've bought for your unborn child during the holidays.
3. Judes likes frequent updates so this one's for her.
Friday, December 22, 2006
28 Weeks
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
The Princess and the Pee
At 5:30 this morning, everyone in the Connell house was up. I woke up to pee, Owen woke up because I did, Lucy woke up because Owen did and Junior woke up because 5:30 is prime kicking-Mama's-bladder time. It takes me so long to get back to sleep that this morning I threatened to just pee the bed. The only time I don't have to pee is when I'm actually peeing. It takes me four tries in the morning to empty my bladder. Owen can't believe the number of times I go to the bathroom in one given night. Michelle at work said she had to stop drinking at 4pm everyday just to get some sleep at night. I'd try that but I'm so thirsty all the time, especially when I wake up. I am not doing well with the interrupted sleep patterns and have the dark circles under my eyes to prove it.
I've peed on the Go Train, at the Go Train station, at Union Station, in every bathroom at the Eaton Center, every floor at work, every stall on my own floor and have gotten quite chummy with the cleaning staff of my building since I'm in the bathroom so often that when they come in to clean every hour they see my (fake) smiling face. I no longer have stage fright when it comes to peeing in public. I could pee in front of the Queen these days.
All of this no sleep and no modesty must be preparing me for life with a newborn.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Happy Birthday Owen!

Mr. Connell does not like birthdays. In fact, think about how much I love birthdays - he feels the exact opposite about them. Our running joke is that his ideal birthday would be to lock himself in our bedroom and listen to 'The Logical Song' over and over and over again - then again, it's not exactly a joke when he's actually done it!
Because he doesn't like birthdays it is near impossible to snap a picture of him with his cake that doesn't have obscene hand gestures or my brother crouched behind the birthday boy with his tongue sticking out. So, here's a picture of the birthday cake Judes made for him.
Happy Birthday baby.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Sign #4 Owen's Forgotten I'm Pregnant
Jen: "Yeah, but someone loved her!"
Song in Question: Running to Stand Still by U2
Friday, December 15, 2006
27 Weeks
It should come as no surprise that being pregnant is way different than not being pregnant. Everyday things I’ve been doing for 32 years have changed in a way I could not have imagined. For instance:
Not Pregnant: Huh, I have to go to the bathroom. There must be one at the other end of the mall – I’ll get there after The Gap.
Pregnant: I have to go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW. I know I just went 2 stores ago but I need to try out every bathroom in Sherway Gardens.
Lesson Learned: When out in public be aware of where the bathrooms are and how long it will take you to get to said bathroom. Cleanliness is key but in a pinch you can go anywhere.
Not Pregnant: Little People, Big World is a great show. I can’t believe they have Little People conferences. What a wonderful world.
Pregnant: Wow, they are at the Little People conference. Who is that? Little Zack? He’s 13? (sob) 2 feet tall? (sob) Father being shipped off to Iraq? (sob)
Lesson Learned: Keep boxes of Kleenex readily available in various rooms of your home.
Not Pregnant: This is really good pizza, I think I’ll have another slice.
Pregnant: This is really good pizza, I’m so glad I ordered it when Owen was at work so I could eat the whole thing and destroy the box so he doesn’t know I didn’t save him any.
Lesson Learned: The baby loves pepperoni.
Not Pregnant: Wow, co-worker’s wife had his baby? That’s sweet. A big baby? Toddler size? That’s funny. Good for them.
Pregnant: How big was the baby? 10 pounds? (cross legs) 10 POUNDS 12 OUNCES? (uncross legs, place head between knees and breathe)
Lesson Learned: Do not ask a question if you don't want to know the answer.
Not Pregnant: It’s warm in our bedroom. I think I’ll only use a sheet. Oh, look how cute Owen is when he’s sleeping.
Pregnant: It’s too f-ing hot in here. Get these damn blankets off me. It’s so dry, I’m so thirsty, it’s like a desert. What is that noise? Is Owen snoring? Is he trying to keep me up all night? I’m gonna kick him. Dude is like a furnace. No wonder I’m so warm. What is the matter with him? Doesn’t he know I’m dying over here? ‘Oh, you’re awake? Couldn’t sleep? No, I didn’t kick you. Now that you're up, could you go get me a glass of water?’
Lesson Learned: Pregnancy is the reason God created spare bedrooms.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
O Christmas Tree
Last night Owen and I put up our own Christmas tree. It is a lot smaller than the one at Casa Kennedy and we haven't amassed such a vast ornament collection as Judes & Donnie K. have -yet - but again there are sentimental favorites: Owen's ornaments from his childhood, a Piglet ornament we bought together as part of a private joke and of course the obligatory Toronto Maple Leaf's bulb. We listened to the Ramones sing, "Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)" and talked about how next Christmas will be different and how we'll have ornaments on our tree that our kid(s) will remember when they're in their 30's.
Friday, December 08, 2006
26 Weeks
Battle of the Baby Names Part 5
Jen: So I found another girl's name I like. It's Gaelic and...
Owen: Gaelic? Well that's different.
Jen: It's Gaelic in origin.
Owen: Oh. Yeah, I was thinking that was kinda weird, you wanting to name the baby Gaelic. It is kinda nice though.
Jen: Yeah (eye roll) uh, right. So anyway it's spelt A-I-L-B-E.
Owen: So, Abigail?
Jen: No, Ailbe, pronounced Al-bee.
Owen: Allllbeeee?
Jen: Yeah, Ailbe. Good, right? I really like it. Ailbe Connell.
Owen: Sounds like the name of a dog food.
Jen: Dog food? How does it sound like a dog food?
Owen: food.
This is what I'm dealing with people.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
- reruns of Entourage on City TV
- Apple juice
- being told you are 'the cutest pregnant woman ever!' by a co-worker
- hearing from old friends
- SexyBack
- bringing my lunch to work everday for two weeks
- 19 days until Christmas
- not having your period for 6 months
- the Boney M Christmas album
- Lobello lip balm
That Suck:
- waking up every three hours to pee
- cold sores
- brown sweater, brown pants, brown socks, brown shoes (I look like a giant turd today)
- indegestion
- no parking spaces at the Go Station
- shipping and handling
- thinking you're done Christmas shopping only to turn the page over and realized you forgot someone
- sleeping on your side and not on your stomach
- biting your nails
- your husband refusing to see a doctor when after 3 weeks his knee hasn't gotten any better
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Happy Birthday Joel!

29 years ago today Angus Joel Kennedy was born. I’m told I chose the name Joel after a little boy I used to play with and since remembering our childhood is Joel’s department, I’ll have to go along with that. I don’t remember anything about Joel as a newborn but I’m told he was a ‘very good baby’ and based on photographic evidence he was also a way cuter than I was - all big eyes and smiles.
Some things never change.
Happy Birthday Jo-Jo!
Friday, December 01, 2006
25 Weeks
I had a doctor’s appointment this morning, up 3 pounds – that’s 7 in total for those of you keeping track. Dr. Pervy was sick so Dr. Bernstein saw me instead. He measured my belly with a nifty tape measure and told me that the baby was growing well. His exact words were: ‘no shortage of baby in there!’ so that’s good. I think. I recorded the heartbeat for the bear The Duhart is making for me and it is super fast. That means girl, right? My next visit is January 3 when I am 30 weeks. After that appointment, I will be seeing the doctor every 2 weeks as opposed to every 4.
At 25 weeks, Owen’s nephew Ronan was born. Let me let that sink in for a moment. 25 weeks into her pregnancy, Owen’s sister Carmel gave birth to baby boy Ronan, weighing 1 pound 10 ounces. He is classified as a micro preemie. From what I understand, during her pregnancy, Carmel had a fibroid growing in her uterus. As the baby got bigger, so did the fibroid until at 25 weeks when the fibroid punctured the placenta and induced labour. Ronan was born 5 years ago and I remember the months following his birth being very traumatic, not only for Richard and Carmel but for the extended Connell/Beattie family. Owen would get calls from his parents updating him on Ronan’s status based on the weekly calls Carmel made from Vancouver where they moved while Ronan was in ICU. Never did Owen think Ronan wouldn’t make it. ‘He’s part Connell! Of course he’ll be OK!’. Many a prayer was said from Ronan - from his relatives in Ireland to my relatives in Buchans. Carmel believes that it was these prayers that saved Ronan’s life. Owen and I visited Ronan and his family this past summer and cannot believe the little man he’s grown in to. He wears glasses, hearing aids, has a feeding tube, loves to pinch cheeks and boobs (which I found out day 2 of our vacation), calls me Auntie Jenny and breaks my heart. Ronan is a miracle.
Throughout my pregnancy, I waited to pass 25 weeks. I knew anything that happened after 25 weeks but before 40 weeks would be more difficult than a full term pregnancy, but in the back of my mind I knew that if I made it at least this far, Owen and I would be blessed with a little Ronan of our own.