So, the cabbage in my bra - Donnie K., you might wanna skip this one.
I have a new found respect for women who successfully breast feed. I tried everything to get Eilish to latch on in the hospital including having about 5 nurses and a lactation specialist (how the hell do you get that title anyway?) fondle my fun pillows in an attempt to get the prettiest girl to latch on. Eilish just wasn't having it. They sent me home with an industrial breast pump and I proceeded to pump my breasts every 3 hours and bottle feed Eilish my good stuff. I continued to try to get her to latch on at home but as soon as she started crying my nipples did what can best be compared to a groundhog in a hole and spring wasn't coming if you know what I mean...hell, I don't even know what I mean but the point is Eilish wasn't latching.
The pumping/bottle feeding thing was going OK until Tuesday where my left breast pretty much gave up. No milk. Nada. No matter how often I pumped I just couldn't get anything. By Wednesday morning I was pumping 20 ml. at a time from the right breast and feeding it to my starving 9 pound 2 ounce baby. My supply just couldn't keep up with Eilish's demand. And then there was the crying.
My crying.
To the point where Owen wasn't sure if he should go to work on Wednesday night.
I felt like I was doing Eilish a disservice. First I couldn't get her to latch on and now I couldn't even pump enough to keep her satisfied. Luckily we had a doctor's appointment with Eilish's pediatrician on Wednesday morning and after some more of my crying Dr. Starr, the antithesis of Dr. Pervy, assured me that formula fed babies thrive and recommended a formula for me to give her. We're 24 hours into the formula meals and things are going OK - Eilish is still getting used to it and is needing to burp more often which she is treating like the biggest injustice in her young life but she's eating and peeing and pooping so it's all good.
So, the cabbage in my bra.
When your mind decides to stop breast feeding or in our case bottle breast feeding your boobs take a little longer to get the message. So my boobs are fully engorged and because I'm not pumping the milk out it frigging hurts - like someone is stabbing me repeatedly in the chest. Judes recommended binding my boobs like Nan Kennedy did for her all those years ago, which I did yesterday and I've read that cold compresses work which I tried today but the number one relief I've gotten has come from cabbage. Good, old fashioned make me some oo-ka-lacki (how do you spell that?!) cabbage. You put cabbage in your bra and not only does it draw out the milk it also makes your milk dry up faster. The downside, which you can probably guess is the smell. Your boobs are little pressure cookers and when I first got a whiff I wondered who the hell had farted. Alas, the smell was my knockers.
And that is the thing about the cabbage.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Eilish - A Birth Story - Part 3 - Recovery
I guess I should explain where Eilish's name came from. Owen has loved the name Eilish since I met him. All those years ago he watched a documentary about conjoined twins in Ireland and one of them was named Eilish - pronounced Eye-lish, like eyelash. Since I've had baby fever pretty much since I met him I've known about - but not really liked - the name. During my pregnancy we spent a lot of time on the Baby Names of Ireland website which I've mentioned in many a post. When it came to the name Eilish, Frank McCourt pronounced it another way:
Ay-lish. I still wasn't over the moon for the name but definitely preferred the Ay to the Eye. Kennedy was a front-runner all along for obvious reasons but as my due date drew closer I started having reservations about it. Wouldn't people call her Ken? Kenny?
When she was delivered and Owen brought her over to me I asked her "is your name Kennedy?" and she cried. Then I asked, "is your name Eilish?" and I swear to god she cooed. Looking back it may have been all the meds but we named her Eilish Kennedy, pronounced
Ay-lish and have accepted the fact that she will have to spell and explain her unique name to everyone she meets. Then again, she'll be the only Eilish now won't she? Eilish is also derived from the name Elizabeth which is my middle name so it all came together in the end.
So back to the delivery....
The first person I saw as they wheeled me out of the OR with Eilish in my arms was Dr. Pervy who commented, "so, I guess you could do my job eh?". I have no idea what I said to him but he's lucky that Owen was so caught up in the baby or he would have flattened him. All those days in labour, all those sleepless nights for nothing. Had he done his job properly I could have scheduled my c-section and not gone through 3 days of hell. Dr. Pervy is an asshole.
Now, the second person I saw as they wheeled me out of the OR was Judes and...well, let's just say I've never heard her cry like that before. It was a great moment.
The rest of Eilish's birthday is a bit of a blur. I know I was in recovery for awhile before moving to what would be my room for most of my stay at Mt. Sinai. My roommate was a woman who spoke little English and had twin girls weighing 4.5 pounds each - so Eilish was the size of both of them! There were a lot of people from Social Services coming in and out of our room to talk to her so I guess she was having a rough time of it. Yet another reason I am blessed.
That first night was tough because I couldn't get out of bed so every time the baby cried I had to yell to Owen in the daddy's lounge or buzz for a nurse. Eilish and I didn't do much more than sleep that first night and her doctor - Dr. Starr came to visit and confirm what I already knew - that Eilish was perfect. We were in the hospital 3 nights with Judes & Donnie K. with me during the day and Owen with me at night and many visitors in between.
So there you have it finally, how Eilish came into the world. I want to thank everyone who came to visit us, both in the hospital and at home and for bringing her the beautiful presents. We're still adjusting to life at home but everyday is getting better and I'll try to keep posting when I can because you're all probably dying to know why I have cabbage in my bra.
Ay-lish. I still wasn't over the moon for the name but definitely preferred the Ay to the Eye. Kennedy was a front-runner all along for obvious reasons but as my due date drew closer I started having reservations about it. Wouldn't people call her Ken? Kenny?
When she was delivered and Owen brought her over to me I asked her "is your name Kennedy?" and she cried. Then I asked, "is your name Eilish?" and I swear to god she cooed. Looking back it may have been all the meds but we named her Eilish Kennedy, pronounced
Ay-lish and have accepted the fact that she will have to spell and explain her unique name to everyone she meets. Then again, she'll be the only Eilish now won't she? Eilish is also derived from the name Elizabeth which is my middle name so it all came together in the end.
So back to the delivery....
The first person I saw as they wheeled me out of the OR with Eilish in my arms was Dr. Pervy who commented, "so, I guess you could do my job eh?". I have no idea what I said to him but he's lucky that Owen was so caught up in the baby or he would have flattened him. All those days in labour, all those sleepless nights for nothing. Had he done his job properly I could have scheduled my c-section and not gone through 3 days of hell. Dr. Pervy is an asshole.
Now, the second person I saw as they wheeled me out of the OR was Judes and...well, let's just say I've never heard her cry like that before. It was a great moment.
The rest of Eilish's birthday is a bit of a blur. I know I was in recovery for awhile before moving to what would be my room for most of my stay at Mt. Sinai. My roommate was a woman who spoke little English and had twin girls weighing 4.5 pounds each - so Eilish was the size of both of them! There were a lot of people from Social Services coming in and out of our room to talk to her so I guess she was having a rough time of it. Yet another reason I am blessed.
That first night was tough because I couldn't get out of bed so every time the baby cried I had to yell to Owen in the daddy's lounge or buzz for a nurse. Eilish and I didn't do much more than sleep that first night and her doctor - Dr. Starr came to visit and confirm what I already knew - that Eilish was perfect. We were in the hospital 3 nights with Judes & Donnie K. with me during the day and Owen with me at night and many visitors in between.
So there you have it finally, how Eilish came into the world. I want to thank everyone who came to visit us, both in the hospital and at home and for bringing her the beautiful presents. We're still adjusting to life at home but everyday is getting better and I'll try to keep posting when I can because you're all probably dying to know why I have cabbage in my bra.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Eilish - A Birth Story - Part 2
When we last left our hero (that would be me) she had just been offered an epidural. Contrary to popular belief, getting the epidural was virtually painless compared to the contractions I was having. Mom and Owen stayed in the room while I got the needle and it pretty much kicked in right away. My feet started getting tingly and that feeling traveled all the way up to my waist. Life was good.
I was told I'd have another 13 hours or so to go before the baby arrived and was advised to get some sleep. I sent Owen and Mom home to make some phone calls and
settled in to relax before the big event. At 7:30 there was a nursing shift change and I was assigned the most wonderful nurses, Judith and a student nurse Kim. They were angels and I liked knowing that chances were they would be in the delivery room with us. Around 8, Judith told me that she was going to recommend that I be prescribed some medication to get my contractions coming a little stronger as they had spaced out after the epidural - we just had to wait for a Dr. to OK the call. Before administering the meds another doctor and her student (did I mention Mt. Sinai is a teaching hospital?) came in to check me and break my water as that sometimes moves things along. And that is where the shit hit the fan.
Once my water was broken the doctor checked me again, called for an ultra sound machine and determined the Eilish's bum was where her head should have been - Eilish was breach. "Jennifer, your baby is breach. You're going to have to have a c-section, probably within the next half an hour.". I was speechless. Actually, that's a lie - I had lots to say about how I knew throughout my whole pregnancy that what I was feeling under my ribs was way too hard to be a bum. I had asked Dr. Pervy at every visit if what I was feeling was the head and he assured me that it wasn't.
I called Mom and Owen who were stuck on the Gardiner (it was 9am!) on their way back to me at the hospital and filled them in on the situation. I'm told that Owen broke numerous traffic laws to get back to me and when they did I was waiting to go into surgery. Mom wasn't able to be in the operating room and was relegated to a waiting room and Owen had to wait in the hall while I was prepped for surgery. They topped up the epidural and I immediately got a bad case of the shivers. They brought some warm blankets to put on my arms and head so when Owen was allowed in all he could see was my face. He sat down beside me and told me he was proud of me while my teeth chattered. I didn't feel them open me up but I did feel some pressure as they removed the baby and all the stuff that comes with a baby.
Eilish didn't cry when she came out but when they announced "It's a Girl" I screeched. As they cleaned her up I kept yelling out instructions to Owen: check her toes, check her fingers, is she cute? etc. When I got affirmative answers from him I stopped crying until they weighed her. We all gasped when the nurse said 9 pounds.
Owen wasn't allowed to leave the operating room and come back so I sent a nurse out to tell Judes that it was a girl and she was 9 pounds. We were another hour or so in the operating room while they 'cleaned me up' - I shudder to think what that meant.
Coming soon Eilish - A Birth Story - Part 3 - Recovery
I was told I'd have another 13 hours or so to go before the baby arrived and was advised to get some sleep. I sent Owen and Mom home to make some phone calls and
Once my water was broken the doctor checked me again, called for an ultra sound machine and determined the Eilish's bum was where her head should have been - Eilish was breach. "Jennifer, your baby is breach. You're going to have to have a c-section, probably within the next half an hour.". I was speechless. Actually, that's a lie - I had lots to say about how I knew throughout my whole pregnancy that what I was feeling under my ribs was way too hard to be a bum. I had asked Dr. Pervy at every visit if what I was feeling was the head and he assured me that it wasn't.
I called Mom and Owen who were stuck on the Gardiner (it was 9am!) on their way back to me at the hospital and filled them in on the situation. I'm told that Owen broke numerous traffic laws to get back to me and when they did I was waiting to go into surgery. Mom wasn't able to be in the operating room and was relegated to a waiting room and Owen had to wait in the hall while I was prepped for surgery. They topped up the epidural and I immediately got a bad case of the shivers. They brought some warm blankets to put on my arms and head so when Owen was allowed in all he could see was my face. He sat down beside me and told me he was proud of me while my teeth chattered. I didn't feel them open me up but I did feel some pressure as they removed the baby and all the stuff that comes with a baby.
Eilish didn't cry when she came out but when they announced "It's a Girl" I screeched. As they cleaned her up I kept yelling out instructions to Owen: check her toes, check her fingers, is she cute? etc. When I got affirmative answers from him I stopped crying until they weighed her. We all gasped when the nurse said 9 pounds.
Owen wasn't allowed to leave the operating room and come back so I sent a nurse out to tell Judes that it was a girl and she was 9 pounds. We were another hour or so in the operating room while they 'cleaned me up' - I shudder to think what that meant.
Coming soon Eilish - A Birth Story - Part 3 - Recovery
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Eilish - A Birth Story - Part 1
When I last updated before Eilish was born, it was Tuesday, her due date and I was having contractions. Let me give you a run-down on what really happened.
Monday March 12, 2007 - Owen's First Vacation Day
I had been having little contractions since Sunday so Owen and I went to walk around the mall to help me 'move things along'. Owen ended up buying a pair of 'expectant father' shoes which would come in handy just 2 days later. As the day progressed the contractions kept getting worse so I called Judes at 10pm and told her she better come to the big city because she might be a grandmother that night. Judes and Donnie K. arrived just after midnight.
Tuesday March 13, 2007 - Not a Good Day
Mom, Owen and I headed to Mount Sinai where I was only 1-2 centimeters dilated and was sent home around 5am. I went to see Dr. Pervy on Tuesday also, at 11am where he confirmed that although I was having contractions that were the ABSOLUTE WORST PAIN I HAVE EVER FELT IN MY LIFE I was still only 1-2 centimeters dilated. He went so far as to say these type of contractions could go on for weeks. I spent the better part of Tuesday night in and out of the bathtub (seriously I had like a bath an hour) and crying to Owen that I could not believe that I wasn't in labour and that the pain was way too much for me to handle. Fast forward to 4am on...
Wednesday March 14, 2007 - Best Day Ever
I woke Mom and Owen and told them that I had to go back to the hospital and beg them not to send me home. I spent the ride to the hospital in the fetal position in the back seat whimpering like an animal. The doctor in triage confirmed that I was 3 centimeters dilated and that I would not be sent home. Then the clouds opened and the heavens sang because he offered me the glorious epidural.
Coming soon Eilish - A Birth Story - Part 2 - Where everything happened the complete opposite of how it was supposed to happen.
Monday March 12, 2007 - Owen's First Vacation Day
I had been having little contractions since Sunday so Owen and I went to walk around the mall to help me 'move things along'. Owen ended up buying a pair of 'expectant father' shoes which would come in handy just 2 days later. As the day progressed the contractions kept getting worse so I called Judes at 10pm and told her she better come to the big city because she might be a grandmother that night. Judes and Donnie K. arrived just after midnight.
Tuesday March 13, 2007 - Not a Good Day
Mom, Owen and I headed to Mount Sinai where I was only 1-2 centimeters dilated and was sent home around 5am. I went to see Dr. Pervy on Tuesday also, at 11am where he confirmed that although I was having contractions that were the ABSOLUTE WORST PAIN I HAVE EVER FELT IN MY LIFE I was still only 1-2 centimeters dilated. He went so far as to say these type of contractions could go on for weeks. I spent the better part of Tuesday night in and out of the bathtub (seriously I had like a bath an hour) and crying to Owen that I could not believe that I wasn't in labour and that the pain was way too much for me to handle. Fast forward to 4am on...
Wednesday March 14, 2007 - Best Day Ever
I woke Mom and Owen and told them that I had to go back to the hospital and beg them not to send me home. I spent the ride to the hospital in the fetal position in the back seat whimpering like an animal. The doctor in triage confirmed that I was 3 centimeters dilated and that I would not be sent home. Then the clouds opened and the heavens sang because he offered me the glorious epidural.
Coming soon Eilish - A Birth Story - Part 2 - Where everything happened the complete opposite of how it was supposed to happen.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Instead of sending them via email I'm going to keep adding pictures of Eilish to my Flickr account. It's much easier to do it this way plus everyone gets to see what everyone else is seeing.
Thanks to everyone who visited and called to check in on The Connell's. Things are getting better everyday.
Thanks to everyone who visited and called to check in on The Connell's. Things are getting better everyday.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Eilish Kennedy Connell
Born: Wednesday March 14, 2007 12:10 pm
Weight: 9 pounds
Length: 21 inches
Looks Like: Her Dad
Follow this link the Flickr link on the toolbar to take a look at our new addition as well as some post-epidural pictures of Ma Con who delivered via c-section as Eilish decided she'd like to meet us bum first.
Weight: 9 pounds
Length: 21 inches
Looks Like: Her Dad
Follow this link the Flickr link on the toolbar to take a look at our new addition as well as some post-epidural pictures of Ma Con who delivered via c-section as Eilish decided she'd like to meet us bum first.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Due Date
Long story short...
Contractions: Yes
Every half hour or so, lasting around 30 seconds, and they are no fun. I've been having them since yesterday evening but they aren't doing what they are supposed to yet because....
Centimeters Dilated: 2
3 people have confirmed it and those of you who know how they check that sort of thing, a moment of silence please.
Number of Judes in the House: 1
Ma arrived last night.
I'm off to take a much needed nap since I've only been sleeping in between contractions and visits to the doctor.
More updates to come if needed - I'm hoping the next update y'all get will be the baby is here and we've finally agreed on a name (well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad!).
Contractions: Yes
Every half hour or so, lasting around 30 seconds, and they are no fun. I've been having them since yesterday evening but they aren't doing what they are supposed to yet because....
Centimeters Dilated: 2
3 people have confirmed it and those of you who know how they check that sort of thing, a moment of silence please.
Number of Judes in the House: 1
Ma arrived last night.
I'm off to take a much needed nap since I've only been sleeping in between contractions and visits to the doctor.
More updates to come if needed - I'm hoping the next update y'all get will be the baby is here and we've finally agreed on a name (well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad!).
Monday, March 12, 2007
Maternity Leave - Day 1
I am officially finished my vacation for 2007 and am on to maternity leave without a baby to...maternity? Today also marks the start of Owen's vacation so now we both get to sit around and try to coax Junior out. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to see how things are going so I'll update again then.
Keep those baby dreams coming, I love to hear them!
Keep those baby dreams coming, I love to hear them!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Dear Junior (AKA 39 Weeks)
Dear Junior,
According to my weekly updates you currently weigh over 7 pounds and measure in at 20 inches. Read that sentence again. You are 7 pounds and 20 inches. Don't you think it's time we came to an agreement? Say, you'll come out soon (like this weekend perhaps) and I'll stop doing whatever it is I'm doing that's keeping you in there this long in the first place.
Is it the bad TV? Do you think that adding Dawson's Creek to the PVR list was too much? You're like, jeez Ma you're 32 years old isn't the Pacey-Dawson-Joey love triangle a little juvenile? You probably thought I hit rock bottom TV wise when Party of Five entered our daily watching schedule. Little did you know just how bad my taste in television really was.
Maybe it's not the TV - maybe you really like what I've been eating and figure, hey why leave now, she might eat another dozen Rice Krispie squares tomorrow - let's wait and find out! Well, if you arrive this weekend I promise that once you're old enough to ingest all that marshmallowy goodness I'll make them whenever you want. Day or night. I know, I know, how can I promise something that won't really kick in until you're at least 3 but Mama's got a great memory and at this point I am desperate. I haven't seen my bikini line in like 5 months.
Maybe it's not the TV or the food, maybe it's the cold weather we've been having. Maybe you don't like the cold - I totally get that. Well, on Saturday it's supposed to be +5 - wouldn't that be a nice day to make your appearance? No ice storms, no -21 degree weather.
Maybe it's not the TV, the food or the weather. Perhaps it's because today was your Poppy Kennedy's birthday and tomorrow is your Uncle Kevin's birthday. You might want a day of your own. Again, I suggest Saturday. You'll have a day all to yourself! You'll still be a Pisces and as far as the Connell-Kennedy's go, you won't have to share your day with anyone else. It's all yours baby!
Finally, if it's not the TV, food, weather OR your desire to have a day to yourself, the only thing I can figure is that you're mad at me for all the dancing I've done over the past few days. I am telling you Junior, it's really not my fault. Justin Timberlake brought SexyBack for goodness sakes! Even though your father believes sexy really hadn't gone anywhere, there is no denying that that is one hell of a catchy tune! Take it to the bridge!
Junior, I've loved you since the moment the sticks showed two red lines and a plus sign. I'm just really, really, really anxious to meet you and think that this weekend would be a great time for us to be formally introduced. I'll be the one crying, your Dad will be the one passed out on the floor and the lady alternatively crying and tending to Daddy will be your Nanny (don't let her talk you into calling her Grammy).
So go ahead, make my day.
Love Mama
According to my weekly updates you currently weigh over 7 pounds and measure in at 20 inches. Read that sentence again. You are 7 pounds and 20 inches. Don't you think it's time we came to an agreement? Say, you'll come out soon (like this weekend perhaps) and I'll stop doing whatever it is I'm doing that's keeping you in there this long in the first place.
Is it the bad TV? Do you think that adding Dawson's Creek to the PVR list was too much? You're like, jeez Ma you're 32 years old isn't the Pacey-Dawson-Joey love triangle a little juvenile? You probably thought I hit rock bottom TV wise when Party of Five entered our daily watching schedule. Little did you know just how bad my taste in television really was.
Maybe it's not the TV - maybe you really like what I've been eating and figure, hey why leave now, she might eat another dozen Rice Krispie squares tomorrow - let's wait and find out! Well, if you arrive this weekend I promise that once you're old enough to ingest all that marshmallowy goodness I'll make them whenever you want. Day or night. I know, I know, how can I promise something that won't really kick in until you're at least 3 but Mama's got a great memory and at this point I am desperate. I haven't seen my bikini line in like 5 months.
Maybe it's not the TV or the food, maybe it's the cold weather we've been having. Maybe you don't like the cold - I totally get that. Well, on Saturday it's supposed to be +5 - wouldn't that be a nice day to make your appearance? No ice storms, no -21 degree weather.
Maybe it's not the TV, the food or the weather. Perhaps it's because today was your Poppy Kennedy's birthday and tomorrow is your Uncle Kevin's birthday. You might want a day of your own. Again, I suggest Saturday. You'll have a day all to yourself! You'll still be a Pisces and as far as the Connell-Kennedy's go, you won't have to share your day with anyone else. It's all yours baby!
Finally, if it's not the TV, food, weather OR your desire to have a day to yourself, the only thing I can figure is that you're mad at me for all the dancing I've done over the past few days. I am telling you Junior, it's really not my fault. Justin Timberlake brought SexyBack for goodness sakes! Even though your father believes sexy really hadn't gone anywhere, there is no denying that that is one hell of a catchy tune! Take it to the bridge!
Junior, I've loved you since the moment the sticks showed two red lines and a plus sign. I'm just really, really, really anxious to meet you and think that this weekend would be a great time for us to be formally introduced. I'll be the one crying, your Dad will be the one passed out on the floor and the lady alternatively crying and tending to Daddy will be your Nanny (don't let her talk you into calling her Grammy).
So go ahead, make my day.
Love Mama
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Braxton Hicks
Braxton Hicks contractions/false labour are named for a fancy English doctor (John Braxton Hicks circa 1842) and give you all the pain of regular transactions without the joy of a baby at the end. Judes, Donnie K. and Owen were witness to said contractions all day yesterday where I thought for sure Junior was a comin'. The transactions came every hour or so, making my stomach really hard and they took my breath away. They were like menstrual cramps times 10 (which Doctor Pervy had warned) but didn't get worse as they progressed or come at more frequent intervals so we knew it wasn't the real deal.
Every time someone when to get a beer (Owen & Donnie K.) or a cocktail (Judes) it was always preceded with a direct question to me, "are you having this baby tonight?". Owen said go ahead and go into labour since he'd gotten some sleep, Donnie K. said hold off going into labour since he'd already changed into his comfy clothes and Judes...well, Judes would look at me over her glass of rye and ginger from time to time and mouth the words "are you OK?". Was I OK? I have no idea. I can tell you that I was scared, a little nervous and kind of excited at the prospect of having the baby yesterday and woke up this morning pain free and a little disappointed that I didn't get to meet Junior yet.
All the preparations have been made: bags are packed, phone numbers have been collected and I was given a small taste of things to come.
Holy shit, I'm going to be a mother.
Every time someone when to get a beer (Owen & Donnie K.) or a cocktail (Judes) it was always preceded with a direct question to me, "are you having this baby tonight?". Owen said go ahead and go into labour since he'd gotten some sleep, Donnie K. said hold off going into labour since he'd already changed into his comfy clothes and Judes...well, Judes would look at me over her glass of rye and ginger from time to time and mouth the words "are you OK?". Was I OK? I have no idea. I can tell you that I was scared, a little nervous and kind of excited at the prospect of having the baby yesterday and woke up this morning pain free and a little disappointed that I didn't get to meet Junior yet.
All the preparations have been made: bags are packed, phone numbers have been collected and I was given a small taste of things to come.
Holy shit, I'm going to be a mother.
Friday, March 02, 2007
38 Weeks
Baby Connell weighs between 6 and 7 1/2 pounds, is between 19 and 20 inches long and is taking this whole 40 weeks of pregnancy quite literally, Mama Connell has pretty much accepted that she will never be comfortable again and has taken to sleeping on the couch and Papa Connell just wants Baby Connell to hold out for one more week until he's on vacation making Papa Connell no friend to Mama Connell.
I have nothing else to add this week. I'm big, I'm uncomfortable and I complain all day long to whoever will listen to me. Owen's been getting the brunt of my complaints and is quite serious when he asks if there is anything he can do to help and I love him for that.
I am (weather permitting) having some visitors today and tomorrow who can witness my glowing personality first hand and gaze upon the glory that is my stretch marks. Talk about birth control! One glance at my belly and y'all will be celibate!
I have nothing else to add this week. I'm big, I'm uncomfortable and I complain all day long to whoever will listen to me. Owen's been getting the brunt of my complaints and is quite serious when he asks if there is anything he can do to help and I love him for that.
I am (weather permitting) having some visitors today and tomorrow who can witness my glowing personality first hand and gaze upon the glory that is my stretch marks. Talk about birth control! One glance at my belly and y'all will be celibate!
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