- Get pants hemmed (done March 29)
- Buy GO train ticket (found the old one - woo hoo!)
- Wrap head around the fact that I am going back to work after 13 months off (still working on it)
- Remind Nanny that Eilish is the most precious, smartest, funniest, perfect baby in the world and must be told so 40 times a day (put off until Wednesday)
- Figure out if the kids are still wearing make-up to work (yep, they sure are)
- Remember how to apply make-up (I'll get back to you)
- Stop crying about the fact that I'll be getting up even earlier now that E sleeps until 8 (this one still burns!)
- Stop worrying that Owen is going to take Eilish out in public wearing striped shirt and plaid pants (dude, I've got bigger fish to fry)
- Make chart for Nanny so that I can know what Eilish did every minute of everyday including bowel movements (done March 30)
- Sync iPod (as we speak)
- Make and freeze a lasagna (done and done)
- Remember pass key PIN (I got nothin')
- Figure out who will have the pleasure of buying me lunch on my first day back (still up for debate)
- Try not to cry (already did, tonight after dinner)