Thursday, February 26, 2009
25 Random Things About Eilish
2. She will not cuddle with me but when I read to her she will put her hand on me.
3. When she is done singing or dancing she will bow at the waist and say 'thank-you, thank-you'.
4. If she sees someone she doesn't know, male or female she will ask, 'who's that guy?'.
5. She loves her sucky and will try to get access to it anytime we are upstairs even though she's only supposed to have it during nap time/bedtime.
6. She knows that her eyes are blue and that mine (and Owen's) are brown.
7. She knows all the words to 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.
8. She mostly sleeps on her stomach with her arms tucked into her.
9. 90% of the time she wakes up, whether it be in the morning or from a nap yelling 'Daddy!'.
10. She loves to pretend she's painting and uses a toothbrush to 'paint' the walls.
11. She does not like loud noises and refers to them as 'sounds'.
12. She thinks Judes is sick with a bad cough and needs medicine even though that happened months ago.
13. I would suggest you not sing 'Poppy's Song' unless you are indeed Poppy.
14. She favors Owen.
15. If I put something new on her and tell her it's new she will say 'Aunt Joan'. No pressure Joanie.
16. If Owen and I are talking to each other she will talk louder and louder until we acknowledge her.
17. She refers to the 3 of us as 'Family' and 'Friends'.
18. She likes to put on chapstick.
19. She will wear my underwear around her neck.
20. She loves blueberries. Looooves blueberries. I don't think you understand the love.
21. She eats raw broccoli. Without ranch dressing. I have no idea who this kid belongs to.
22. She loves to hear a story about herself and what she likes to do.
23. She is bossy.
24. When she is crying because she hasn't gotten her way she declares 'I'm crying!'. Like I hadn't noticed.
25. When Owen tells her that I've arrived home from work she says, 'I want to see her!'.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Underwire Not Included
Last night while I was reading the paper she started her roll call of Barbie body parts. 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 feet etc. I didn't know what she would do when she came to the boobs. She calls mine 'boobies' and pushes on them with a mixture of awe and disgust. I didn't think my poor ol' working class breasts could compete with Barbie's and frankly, I did not need the pressure.
My darling girl, a feminist in training, looked at my chest, looked at Barbie's chest and declared: '2 elbows!'.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Relationship Meme
What are your middle names?
How long have you been together?
We've been married five years this August, together on and off for 150 years.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met in Grade 10 Geography but did not officially start ‘going out’ until Grade 11.
Who asked whom out?
Owen asked me out.
How old are each of you?
I'm 34, he's 35.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Parenting. Not that raising Eilish is hard or that it is trying on our relationship per se. Just the logistics of raising a child while we both work full time and at different times.
Did you go to the same school?
Yes, high school.
Are you from the same home town?
I was born in Newfoundland, raised in Kitchener while Owen was born and raised in Toronto.
Who is smarter?
I think that Owen is more street smart than I am but I wouldn’t say one of us is necessarily smarter than the other unless we’re talking ‘Jeopardy smart’ in which case Owen has me beat. I can name all of Elizabeth Taylor’s ex-husbands (Hilton, Wilding, Todd, Fisher, Burton, Burton, Warner, Fortensky) but have no idea what the capital of Uruguay is.
Who is the most sensitive?
Ah ha ha ha ha. Next question.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We don’t ‘eat out’ as much as ‘take out’ and our favorite place to order out from when we were footloose and fancy free (that is, childless) was Butler’s Pantry on Roncevalles.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Which is further, Dominican or Cuba? See, Jeopardy smarts would come in handy right about now.
Who has the craziest exes?
We are each others crazy exes; therefore Owen has the craziest ex.
Who has the worst temper?
I am quick to lose my temper while Owen has a slow burn and then watch out.
Who does the cooking?
Who is the neat-freak?
Neither of us but man, someone should be.
Who is more stubborn?
Who hogs the bed?
Whoever gets their first.
Who wakes up earlier?
Me. Occupational hazard.
Where was your first date?
We went to see ‘Look Who’s Talking’ in Kitchener.
Who is more jealous?
These days if I think someone is hitting on him I think, ‘good for you!’
How long did it take to get serious?
Owen is Irish and the Irish mate for life.
Who eats more?
Now that he is trying to quite smoking Owen is putting the food away at an alarming rate. When I was pregnant though I used to hide pizza boxes so he wouldn’t know that not only did I eat an entire pizza, I didn’t save any for him!
Who does the laundry?
Me. Owen cleans and does the dishes.
Who's better with the computer?
Me, yet another occupational hazard.
Who drives when you are together?
Owen because he thinks he’s a better driver when in reality he’s a slower driver.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Aunt Lib Shout Out
Because of the 'Great Constipation of 2008' and in preparation of 'Potting Training 2009' Owen and I have begun praising Eilish when she tells us when she has to poop. We tell her she's a good girl and that everybody poops. Then, we have to give her confirmation of the people who poop during her 'poop roll call'. So last night, it went like this:
Eilish - I'm pooping.
Jen - Good girl Eilish.
Eilish - Everybody poops.
Jen - That's right, everybody poops.
Eilish - Mama poops, Daddy poops, Nanny poops, Poppy poops. Who else?
Jen - Um, Lucy the cat poops, Uncle Joel poops.
Eilish - Grandma Poops.
Jen - Yep, Grandma, cousin Connell poops.
Eilish - Nicky poops.
Jen - Yep, Nicky poops, Emma poops, Aunt Joan poops.
Eilish - Aunt Lib poops!
Monday, February 02, 2009
More Conversations with a Toddler
Eilish - Sure.
Eilish - Not ice cream.
Jen - No, cake.
Eilish - Not cookie.
Jen - No, cake. Nanny brought cake.
Eilish - Not pudding.
Jen - No….cake.
Eilish - Not popsicles. Not chocolate. Not brownies. Not cupcakes. Not treats.
Jen - Nope, CAKE!
It's too bad the kid doesn't know anything about treats.