Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Weight

I had a doctor's appointment this morning. I'm up 3 pounds which isn't too bad considering the all Turtle diet I was on over Christmas. That brings my weight gain up to 10 pounds since I've been seeing Dr. Pervy (plus whatever I gained in the first 3 months which was probably another 3 pounds) which is "good". I had been worried that I hadn't gained enough weight considering that I've only got 10 weeks to go which is hilarious considering I spent the better part of my pre-pregnancy time beating myself up over being over weight. The doctor felt and measured my belly and then we listened to the heart beat which is officially the best part of being pregnant. Junior can move around all he/she wants but it's not until that I hear the heartbeat that it all seems real. That woosh, woosh is worth all the indigestion, the itchy belly and the fact that I haven't seen my bikini line in months.

I also had a lab appointment today to see if I had developed diabetes while pregnancy. You go to the lab and they give you this orange fizzy stuff to drink (which wasn't too bad, I was thirsty and it was cold) and then you go back an hour later and they take blood. Mt. Sinai officially has more of my blood then I do. The lab staff and they are always very friendly and gentle considering that they stick people with needles all the live long day.

Starting today I see the doctor every two weeks until closer to my due date when I go every week. I'm sure Dr. Pervy will see a change in me the more time we spend together. No more Ms. Nice Girl who has no questions and no problems with her pregnancy. As time goes by and the visits get more frequent, he'll be hit with the hard stuff like a sworn affidavit that he fully supports my birth plan - that is to be blitzed out of my mind on epidural from the moment I step foot in the hospital.

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