Baby Connell weighs almost 6 pounds and is a little less than 19 inches, and that's all that matters today MY LAST DAY OF WORK! As a reminder as of Monday morning I won't have access to email so please keep in touch by using
As for the belly picture, Paula took it last night after Survivor Thursday and confirmed what I suspected last week - that sir, is a stretch mark. If you look at the belly picture on Flickr I actually point it out for you. I guess I can't complain, getting this far without one. My stomach finally waved the white flag and surrendered to Junior.
I plan to update my blog while I'm off to keep everyone up to date on what's shaking at Casa Connell. I half jokingly told Owen that the moment my water breaks, I'll be online telling everyone. So keep reading, this is where it starts getting good.
Happy last day of work!
You call that a stretch mark - I have bigger ones than that!
I'll be reading any new postings avidly waiting to hear when your water breaks! :-)
That might be your best belly picture yet! Just kidding!! For those of you wondering, I did see the stretch mark - with a magnify glass.
Enjoy your last day at Teranet - I know I did!!!
Can't wait to see how much you grow by next week!!
beautiful, now you are glowing. hpoe your day goes well, call me xxxxgrammie
Yahoo! Nothing beats the feeling of having a whole YEAR off. I LOVED it. I can breathe a sigh of relief, there is justice in the world, I don't care how big it is, if you'd gotten through this whole thing without a stretch mark I would have been SOOOO jealous! You look great. Maybe we'll pop out and visit now that you're off!
Love Lori
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