Sometimes when we put Eilish down for a nap or a night's sleep, she will sit up at the end of her crib and giggle and 'talk' for a few minutes before she falls asleep. I like to think of it as her own little talk show where the guests are her mobile friends and her 2 soothers, (one for sucking and one for tapping against the one in her mouth - where did we get this kid?) and at the end of the show she bids them good night and settles in for a little snoozy.
Today when Owen put her down for her afternoon nap he heard the usual talky/giggly sounds over the monitor and when he finally heard silence he went upstairs to check on her. This is what he found:

Must of been one hell of a show!
I love it! Cutest baby award goes to......
Seriously? Are you kidding me? How CUTE is this kid!??!?!?!
Eilish - you are killing Zia Paula with your cuteness...
I love that picture; it's adorable as is she!!!! I want one!!
Aunt Joan
She wants one? Join the club!
This is by far...the funniest thing I have seen since Ryan fell asleep leaning against the Futon at Emma's Baptism. She is too cute. Did Owen move her or leave her like that?
Owen moved her...after taking a few pictures!
What a cutie and so peaceful looking! Judes is falling down on the job. No pictures lately! Love Aunt Lib
"where did you get this kid you ask???" I don't know but I'm thinking back to the time this same kid's mama almost fell asleep laying on my kitchen counter - hmmm? Can you say stiff neck??
Yeah, but Aunt Maureen, I was sleeping for a very different reason than Eilish!
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