Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Eilish and Peas - A Love Story

Owen and I don't have very good eating habits. A lot has to do with the fact that we are on 2 completely different schedules so the nights that he's off we find ourselves eating dinner late. Add having a baby to that and there were times where we were eating dinner around 9pm, after E had been bathed/bottled/bedded. The days that he is off I try to make a nice dinner for us, more often than not a pasta concoction or a stir fry or other foods that I know Owen will like. It's not that he's overly picky, he just tends to like more homey foods such as chili or stew whereas I could eat a chicken stir fry everyday. I like stinky cheeses and he doesn't, so any dishes with goat or asiago cheese are consumed when Daddy is at work. The moral of the story is that we tend not to get our 3 balanced meals in everyday.

So Eilish comes along and I want her to be a better eater than we are so for now that means no junk for the little belly. Any crap we eat is done after she's gone to bed. It won't always be like this but I feel like she's starting off with a clean slate so why mess her up with fries and cookies and cakes (yes, she will have cake at her party, I don't want any relatives calling children's services on me!) especially when lately it's getting hard to get her to eat anything while she's teething. Side note: we have front teeth! I'll try to get a picture of them soon!
I know a lot of this is New Mommy stuff and if (giant if, oh my god I can't even think about it) we ever had another child, things might be different but for now I'm the Mom and I control what Eilish is going to eat. I figure if I'm going to be the one to clean it up (if you know what I mean) I better make sure it's somewhat healthy!

We've started introducing her to the foods we eat and she has taken a liking to pasta and chicken etc. (I made meatballs with extra lean beef and I swear she ate 2 on her own). The big thing for her is being able to feed herself and trying to get some pureed vegetables in her gullet is starting to get difficult. So while grocery shopping I came across some frozen peas and since she loves pureed peas by way of baby food, I thought I'd give them a try. Dude, she loved them and I loved watching her eat them. As an adult who only recently started enjoying cooked veggies herself, I get so much joy out of watching Eilish feed herself veggies.

And now you can too:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Just Don't Know What to do With Myself

For the 4th day in a row, Eilish has napped for over 2 hours. This is a kid who would nap for a wopping 20 minutes and then be ready to party all night. For 3 of the 4 past nights though she has woken up crying which we are attributing to her 2 front teeth that have finally broken through. I can't think of anything worse than her being in pain with her teeth but am curious as to why it bothers her the most at 3am as opposed to 3pm.

My boss called today to remind me that I am due to return to work, like I needed reminding. He seemed to have forgotten that I had some vacation time accrued and was returning March 31 as opposed to his magical date of March 10 which immediately sent me into a panic. I have so much to do before I go back to work and needed the 21 days to procrastinate! The worry was well worth it when he called me back to let me know that when I do return I'll have 4 weeks vacation remaining for 2008 as opposed to the 3 weeks I thought I had - so that is awesome news. We are expecting some visitors over the summer, cousin Jamie and sister Carmel so hopefully I'll be able to take some days to visit with them.

Duty calls - the babes has awoken. If anyone is awake at 3am give me a call - I'll be up!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'm Back

See this face?

This is the face of an 11 month old who:
- loves to start the clapping and if you don't clap along will look at you like, hey, why aren't you clapping? Everyone else is clapping, why aren't you clapping?
- loves her Daddy. I mean looooves her Daddy. Owen is the sun, the moon and the stars to Eilish, while I am....the maid.
- is a Lady and a lady crosses her ankles when she sits

- will throw food on the floor when she's done eating
- will throw her cup on the floor when she's done drinking
- will throw her Strawberry Shortcake, bunny, bottle and soothers 1, 2, & 3 out of her crib when she doesn't want to sleep or has frankly slept enough
- will close her eyes and shake her head when you present her with something to eat that she finds unsatisfactory
- loves blueberries
- poops whole blueberries
- says da da da all day long but ma ma ma when she's crying
- does not like getting her face washed or her bum changed
- found her belly button and loves to look at it and then yours and then kiss your belly
- kisses with her mouth open
- sleeps with one soother in her mouth and one in each hand tucked under her
- is the reason I get up in the morning and the reason Owen works so hard
- is gonna miss her Great Nanny Lane when she goes home tomorrow