Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'm Back

See this face?

This is the face of an 11 month old who:
- loves to start the clapping and if you don't clap along will look at you like, hey, why aren't you clapping? Everyone else is clapping, why aren't you clapping?
- loves her Daddy. I mean looooves her Daddy. Owen is the sun, the moon and the stars to Eilish, while I am....the maid.
- is a Lady and a lady crosses her ankles when she sits

- will throw food on the floor when she's done eating
- will throw her cup on the floor when she's done drinking
- will throw her Strawberry Shortcake, bunny, bottle and soothers 1, 2, & 3 out of her crib when she doesn't want to sleep or has frankly slept enough
- will close her eyes and shake her head when you present her with something to eat that she finds unsatisfactory
- loves blueberries
- poops whole blueberries
- says da da da all day long but ma ma ma when she's crying
- does not like getting her face washed or her bum changed
- found her belly button and loves to look at it and then yours and then kiss your belly
- kisses with her mouth open
- sleeps with one soother in her mouth and one in each hand tucked under her
- is the reason I get up in the morning and the reason Owen works so hard
- is gonna miss her Great Nanny Lane when she goes home tomorrow


Anonymous said...

Worth the wait - Andrea xxoo

Anonymous said...

sure glad to be reading your blog again. yes indeed eilish is a very happy,funny,loving little one. we love visiting her & watching her grow xxxxxxnanny

Anonymous said...

Finally, some new postings! I've missed them.
Love,Aunt Maureen