Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Things to Do Before Work on Monday - UPDATED

- Get pants hemmed (done March 29)

- Buy GO train ticket (found the old one - woo hoo!)

- Wrap head around the fact that I am going back to work after 13 months off (still working on it)

- Remind Nanny that Eilish is the most precious, smartest, funniest, perfect baby in the world and must be told so 40 times a day (put off until Wednesday)

- Figure out if the kids are still wearing make-up to work (yep, they sure are)

- Remember how to apply make-up (I'll get back to you)

- Stop crying about the fact that I'll be getting up even earlier now that E sleeps until 8 (this one still burns!)

- Stop worrying that Owen is going to take Eilish out in public wearing striped shirt and plaid pants (dude, I've got bigger fish to fry)

- Make chart for Nanny so that I can know what Eilish did every minute of everyday including bowel movements (done March 30)

- Sync iPod (as we speak)

- Make and freeze a lasagna (done and done)

- Remember pass key PIN (I got nothin')

- Figure out who will have the pleasure of buying me lunch on my first day back (still up for debate)

- Try not to cry (already did, tonight after dinner)


Anonymous said...

wow,such organizational skills. whose your mama. you'll do just fine, eilish will too. owen may surprie you as to his style of dressing eilish. xxx nanny

ARGrogan said...

Don't cry...think of all the fun she'll have with the Portugese Love Tank!

Anonymous said...

You will cry, it's a fact! and I know because when Spanky came to live with us, I was really sad when I had to leave him the first morning back to work after the long Thanksgiving Day weekend. If I felt like that over a dog, I can only imagine what you'll be like over your daughter! The thing to remember is that she'll be loved and safe and so happy to see you when you get home that if she were a dog she'd wag her tail off!
You'll be fine!
Love,Aunt Maureen

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel but it gets better. Andrea had time with me and her Dad as did you when Jude went to work. It builds sound relationships; don't you think? I hope to see you Owen and Eilish soon!!!!
Love yu,
Aunt Joan