Friday, October 20, 2006

19 Weeks

Baby Connell is the size of a small zucchini, Mama Connell saved $700 on auto insurance and Papa Connell thinks the ultrasound technician slipped and told us the sex of our baby.

So yeah, the ultrasound.

Our technician Alex was a low talker of Polish decent, which made most of our conversation go like this:

Alex: This is the mumble, mumble.
Jen: The what?
Alex: The mumble, mumble.
Jen: Oh. Right.

Body parts we saw for sure: the diaphragm, heart, right foot, left foot, spine (more on that later), and both hands.

Towards the end of the ultrasound it was apparent that Alex could not find the shot of the spine he was looking for and from the pressure he applied to the ultrasound….mouse?….wand? it was growing more evident to Owen and I that Alex was getting a little frustrated. I swear my belly feels bruised!

Finally he advised that I empty my bladder and move around a little to get the baby to change positions. So, I emptied my bladder walked briskly around the hallway and even jumped up and down for good measure. But Junior just wasn’t in the mood to show us his/her spine. I laid on my left side, my right side, even my stomach and…nada. Alex finally called a senior tech in to try his hand at getting Baby Connell to move positions but Carlos had no luck either. They told me to come back in 2 weeks as the doctor couldn’t report on the spine without actually seeing the spine– which seems reasonable to me.

Our actual report, which they gave us at the end of the ultrasound, had a lovely row of “normals” next to all Baby Connell’s organs with the exception of the spine which stated that due to the fetal position they couldn’t comment. So back again in 2 weeks to see Junior’s spine. I really don’t mind going at all – one of my favourite things about this pregnancy has been the ultrasounds – I love looking at Junior all nestled in my womb – just chillin’ giving the occasional high-five.

As far as Owen’s belief that Alex slipped and told us the sex, during the ultrasound Alex kept referring to the baby as “baby”. Owen says once while trying to get baby to move Alex referred to it as well….either he or she. I’m not telling and I didn’t hear what Owen heard so we’ll all have to wait 21 (!) more weeks to see if Alex really did spill the beans. Admit it - you're dying to know!

What I'm Listening To: 54-40


Anonymous said...

I am too nosy not to ask you to tell me, but then changed my mind 2 seconds after. It's a 50/50 chance I'm right. I'll wait along with everyone else. So happy! So excited! Can't wait! Love Andrea

Paula said...

I can wait to find out - Junior will be fantastic no matter what!!! I am so excited for you guys!!