Baby Connell is growing rapidly, gaining about a pound since last week and is still about a foot long, Mama Connell gets freaked out when Baby Connell moves like crazy one day, and then barely moves the next day and Papa Connell misses Mama Connell when she’s in the tub.
Here is my giant belly at 24 weeks (a.k.a 6 months). Just when you think you can’t get any bigger, you do and will continue to grow every week for the next 16. No stretch marks (yet) but from what I’ve heard they sometimes appear after the babies arrived. Good times.
‘When the baby comes.’ A lot of the conversations at our house these days start with those 4 words:
When the baby comes – we should probably listen to Classical music in the car.
When the baby comes – Lucy’s days are numbered.
When the baby comes – we’re going to have to move that: couch, chair, bed, table etc.
When the baby comes – do you think we should have chips and dip for dinner?
When the baby comes – spending $100 on boots might not be such a good idea.
They say closer to your due date, your nesting instinct kicks in and if ‘they’ are right in a few weeks I’ll be cleaning like crazy and bugging Owen to clean out Junior’s room so we (he) can paint and gets things ready for the kid.
I’ve picked a few things up along my pregnancy journey, mostly cute sleepers I’ve come across while Christmas shopping. Yesterday, I bought what is by far my favourite thing – a book. But not just any book, ‘The Monster at the End of this Book – starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover’. I barely remember anything from my childhood but I remember this book. It’s not overly educational – it based around Grover being afraid of the monster at the end of the book when in the end (spoiler alert) it’s him. Owen and I do a lot of talking about what the baby will be like and I hope that he or she will have a great sense of humour and appreciate the truly silly things in life such as Grover being afraid of a monster at the end of a book. Because damn, that’s good reading!
"They" are right. Be prepared for nesting! Jamie doesnt' know what hit him!
PS My furniture is looking to be about $5000, do you think I can pay that off on the "desolate" mat leave pay? I'll need to get a part time job!
Okay - first of all I am having trouble signing in today...
Secondly - is that picture taken in the Teranet bathroom?!?
Thirdly - is that a word, thirdly? Any music is good music for little ones - My mom listened to Diana Ross and the Supremes when she was pregnant with me and I love that stuff... Just try to keep away from the F-bombs and I am sure Junior will be just fine!!
I thought the backround was a work bathroom only because of the soap dispenser. Who says the girl doesn't work hard!
24 weeks..wow, can't wait for the babby (said like Paul's mom) to get here!
loved your grover story.donnie k remembers the book you knows.all i remember is you and being in buchans with tour two nannies and all your aunts who loved to dress you up and yes that whiye sleigh that donnie k fixed up and painted and walking with nannie lane all theway from townsite to the foodcenter. boy that seemed to be so long a walk.xxxxxmom.
Andrea & Paula - it was casual day! They expect you to take pictures of your belly in the bathroom on casual day!
Ma - Thanks for the comment!
I LOVE that book. It was my favourite too.
You make me giggle everytime I read your entries....blogging, what a fantastic idea!
I really looking forward to seeing you and the baby belly on the 15th.
Love Suz
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