Friday, February 23, 2007

37 Weeks

Baby Connell is considered full term this week, weighing over 6 pounds and measuring in at 19 inches, Mama Connell got all domestic and has been sending Papa Connell off to work with lunch and making him breakfast when he comes home in the morning, Papa Connell appreciates Mama Connell's transformation into June Cleaver and has never once complained that the only way she knows to cook an egg is by scrambling it.

This was my first full week off work and to be honest it felt like a long weekend. I didn't do much other than laundry and a bit of cleaning and have spent the days that Owen is sleeping (Thursday & Friday) wandering around various malls trying to keep 'active'. I put active in quotations because I don't know if my waddle-walk classifies as active movement.

On Tuesday I held Lee Ann's brand new baby boy Michael while Junior kicked beneath him. Michael is a little prince and rewarded my kisses by farting his ass off. Speaking of farting, every time I think I'm having labour pains it turns out I just have gas. Looks like I've come to the part in my blogging career where nothing is off-limits and until Junior arrives y'all will no doubt be getting updates on my various bodily functions.

Judes is finally feeling better this week after having bodily function issues of her own and has her bag packed for when Junior arrives. She also had some advice for me today to speed up Junior's arrival and let's just say her advice pretty much guarantees that Junior will be an only child.

I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday where Dr. Pervy will tell me that everything is fine and I should just go home and wait until Junior's ready to arrive.

Anybody want to cast their predictions? Am I going to go early, late or right on time (March 13)?


ARGrogan said...

I think Junior will make his hurried mommy wait! I'm predicting March 17th - a Paddy's Day baby celebrated with a Pint O' Guinness.
And I have a question...when junior does arrive, what are you going to do on the days that Owen is sleeping? Looks like a big supply of ear plugs is in store for Papa Connell!! Kisses xxoo

JC said...

When the weather is nicer, the plan when Owen's working is to head West to K-town so y'all can enjoy Junior's screaming!

Anonymous said...

hmm,looking into my crystal ball, my prediction will be that you will give birth to a baby girl on Friday, March 16 at 7:26pm.
When the weather is nicer you can visit the "country" relatives too!

Anonymous said...

I say he'll be right on time since his Mommy was never late for anything in her life that I recall. He will be born in the afternoon since Mommy is not a morning person and he will be....almost 8lbs. And in case you hadn't guessed from the "he" Junior will be a boy!!
Love Lori
PS..can't wait!!!!