Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Do you know what happens when you go to the doctor 2 weeks ago and they tell you you've lost 3 pounds? You get cocky. Do you know what happens when you get cocky? You eat an entire chocolate cake. Do you know what happens when you eat an entire chocolate cake and go back to the doctor for your bi-weekly check-up? YOU GAIN 7 POUNDS!!!!! Dr. Pervy wasn't worried about the weight gain seeing as I've only gained 14 pounds since I've been seeing him, but holy shit - that's .5 pounds a day everyday for the last 14 days.

This doctor's appointment was very enlightening and not only for the weight gain update. For the last week or so I've been feeling something hard in my belly and deduced that it was the baby's head. When I asked Dr. Pervy about it he filled me in on a little secret - what I am feeling is the baby's butt! The head is down around my pelvis - where it should be. So yeah, not only am I a big ol' heifer, I'm also a little slow. Today's appointment also included a swab that I had to do to myself and if you want any details about it, you'll have to email me because I have maybe 3 male readers of this blog and there are some things they just don't need to know!

Last night Owen and I had our hospital tour so when the big day comes we're not wandering around Mount Sinai with our knees pressed together (me, not Owen). The tour was very informative, my only complaint is the tour guide/nurse decision to use the term 'vag' as in ,'if you have a caesarean or vag delivery'. I am far from a prude and have been known to throw many an f-bomb but there was something about the word 'vag' that made my skin crawl.

We saw admitting (1st floor), delivery (7th floor) and recovery (10th floor). We learned about how many mother's choose to have an epidural (89%), how many anesthesiologist are on duty (3 during the day, 2 at night) and how long a woman would generally have to wait to get an epidural (maximum time - 30 minutes). Once in recovery, we are allowed 2 visitors at a time and Owen is not considered a visitor - he can stay 24/7. The tour guide/nurse said that first time moms who are nursing usually stay at the hospital 2 nights for a vaginal birth and 3 to 4 nights for a c-section.

All in all, I'd definitely recommend the hospital tour. It was nice to take a look at where we'll be in 4 short weeks....holy cow....4 weeks....pass the chocolate cake.


Anonymous said...

Oh my God your baby is almost ready to make their debut.Can't wait to be the spoiler. Vag delivery or not you'll be a real trooper. Call me first!!!!!!!!!

Auntie Joan

ARGrogan said...

Mom, don't say Vag

Anonymous said...

I can see how "vag" would make you twitch! I don't like that either - what's wrong with saying a natural birth?
You said four weeks but really it could be in just two, right? Bet pointing that out made ya twitch too, didn't it?