Thursday, May 24, 2007


Being in Kitchener with Eilish is like being torn between two lovers (feeling like a fool). Saturday through Thursday I love being at home with my little fam, laughing with Owen over the silly things Eilish does, making sure that Lucy doesn't mistaken Eilish for a giant cat treat. But, Thursdays and Fridays are a little tougher given that Owen is either working or sleeping. Those 2 days can get a little lonely when I'm not hooking up with my make shift Mommy Group. Having only Eilish to talk to can get a little frustrating given that for as cute as she is, she isn't much of a conversationalist. So lately, we've been coming to Kitchener to let the fam drool over the puddin' (tm Uncle Joel). And oh what fawning they do. Aunt Paula swears she hasn't seen a more behaved baby and everyone else thinks she's the cutest thing going. And she is.

While in Kitchener I get to do things I don't usually get to do at home when Owen's working/sleeping, like go to the bathroom without having to bring Eilish with me which is a treat for both of us! There are a lot of helping hands eager to feed and cuddle with my little girl while I do things like go to Tim Horton's or pass out on the floor from exhaustion (that happened today).

I'm hoping that this Global Warming thing really kicks in this winter so Eilish and I can continue our bi-weekly trips to K-town where it doesn't matter if I haven't showered, because nobody's looking at me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love when you visit so we can eat Elish up with xx's & oo's; she's a dolly for sure and very contented with her family around her.
Love Aunt Joan