Friday, March 20, 2009

Turning 2 and Number 2

Owen has been teaching Eilish the difference between a man and a lady so when the Swiss Chalet delivery person (who visits our house twice a month) ever turns out to be of the female persuasion she can say 'how's it going lady?' as opposed to her current 'how's it going man?'. She will run down the list of people she knows and put them in to the lady or man category which led to this exchange when I came home for work on Wednesday:

Eilish - Want to go outside!Jen - Oh birdy, Mama just got home…
Eilish - Want to go outside!
Jen - OK, OK let's go.
Owen - That's nice Mama.
Eilish (taking my hand and looking up at me): You're a nice lady!

Now her pronunciation needs some work as 'you're a nice lady' came out like 'yo ni ady', making her sound more Asian than anything else but the intent was there.

Next on the 'making Eilish smarter than us' agenda was the difference between big and small, shorter and taller which she acted out in the bathtub. She would crouch down and tell me she was smaller and then grow bigger and bigger as she stood. She also referred to herself as a Little Girl and me as a Big Lady. So yeah, the kids a genius and Owen and I will be on some Dateline type show ten years from now looking like a couple of slack-jawed yokels next to our savant daughter.

The only obstacle in her quest for world domination is her monthly struggle with constipation. Any deviation from her regular diet throws a wrench into her daily BM's and it is a terrible 24 hours in the Connell house. When she tries to do her 'business' she demands we leave the room she is in, only to cry out when things get tough. I was online yesterday learning the difference between soluble and insoluble fibers and have a plan of attack for her little system - an apple a day really does keep the doctor away. The good news is the whole house will be eating better, the bad news is that during the time that Aunt Flo comes to visit I'll have to eat my Mac Donald fries while hiding in the closet!

This is what '2' looks like in our house:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god love her. she is nanny's dollie & all i can say is keep on doing what you're doing,you are on the right track,as far as her diet goes.iguess it's all about having a routine xxx's nanny